1 (a)
Explain Heuristic function with example.
5 M
1 (b)
Explain Robot workspace.
5 M
1 (c)
Describe unsupervised learning with suitable example.
5 M
1 (d)
List and define kinetic parameters.
5 M
2 (a)
Describe the following sensors-
i) Sonar
ii) Infrared
i) Sonar
ii) Infrared
10 M
2 (b)
Explain A* algorithm with example.
10 M
3 (a)
Obtain Inverse kinematic solution for 4-axis SCARA robot.
10 M
3 (b)
Compare different uniformed search strategies.
10 M
4 (a)
Describe Hill climbing algorithm. What are it's limitations.
10 M
4 (b)
Explain various methods of knowledges representation with example.
10 M
5 (a)
Define partial order planner. Explain STRIPS representation of planning problem.
10 M
5 (b)
Give steps in designing the reactive behavioral system.
10 M
6 (a)
What are PEAS descriptors? Give PEAS descriptors for
i) Part-picking Robot
ii) WUMPUS world.
i) Part-picking Robot
ii) WUMPUS world.
10 M
6 (b)
Explain supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning with example.
10 M
Write short notes on any four:
7 (a)
5 M
7 (b)
Belief network
5 M
7 (c)
Forward and inverse kinematics
5 M
7 (d)
Crypt Arithmetic
5 M
7 (e)
5 M
7 (f)
Uniform and Inform search.
5 M
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