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SPPU Civil Engineering (Semester 7)
Architectural and Town Planning
May 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Answer any one question from Q.1 and Q.2
1(a) Explain in detail elements of Architectural Composition.
7 M
Answer any one question from Q.1 and Q.2
1(a) Explain in detail any four principles of Architectural composition.
6 M
1(b) Develop the, 'Relation between quality at life and livability.
7 M
1(b) What is the role of urban planner in relation with, 'spatial organization of an area.'
4 M
1(c) Elaborate: benefits town planning.
6 M

2(a) Elaborate following Qualities of Architecture : user friendly, contectual.
6 M
2(a) Elaborate the following qualities of Architecture by giving appropriate examples.
i) User friendly
ii) Contextual
4 M
2(b) Elaborate: Importance of sustainable architecture with case study.
7 M
2(b) What role an Architect will have to play in relation with, 'demand of the Area and Supply'.
6 M
2(c) Write a short note on : Development Plan.
7 M

Answer any one question from Q.3 and Q.4
3(a) What is the importance of civic surveys for DP? How these are carried out?
8 M
Answer any one question from Q.3 and Q.4
3(a) Write a short note on:- Objectives of Landscapping.
4 M
3(b) Explain different Traffic transportation systems in town and its impact.
9 M
3(b) Why the 'Livability of an area is influenced because of 'Urban Renewal'?
6 M

4(a) Explain functioning of any one planning agencies in detail.
9 M
4(a) Establish the relation between 'Quality of Life' and 'Urban Renewal'.
6 M
4(b) Write a short note on traffic management.
8 M
4(b) Elaborate any one case study of sustainable Architecture. (Minimum 4 points).
4 M

Answer any one question from Q.5 and Q.6
5(a) Why MRTP Act 1966 is influential for DP?
8 M
Answer any one question from Q.5 and Q.6
5(a) Write a short note on , 'Objectives of planning'.
4 M
5(b) Elaborate the need of UDPFI guidelines for land use, infrastructure.
9 M
5(b) Explain the common features between 'Regional Plan' & 'Development Plan'.
6 M

6(a) State & explain steps in the Legislative mechanism for preparation of DP.
8 M
6(a) Write a short note on - 'Levels of planning'.
4 M
6(b) Write a short note on SEZ and its impact on economy.
9 M
6(b) Elaborate in detail concepts of Neighbourhood plan and its importance.
6 M

Answer any one question from Q.7 and Q.8
7(a) Write a note on Special townships.
8 M
7(b) What are the applications of GIS in town planning?
8 M

8(a) Write a note on Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013.
8 M
8(b) What are the applications of GPS in town planning?
8 M

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