VTU Civil Engineering (Semester 3)
Applied Engineering Geology
December 2014
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) Briefly explain the internal structure of the earth based on different unconformities and add a note on its composition.
8 M
1 (b) Explain the role of geology in the field of civil engineering.
8 M
1 (c) Write a note on rock forming mineral.
4 M

2 (a) Explain the primary structures in sedimentary rock with neat sketch.
8 M
2 (b) What is mineral? Describe the following physical properties of mineral:
i) Form ii) Hardness iii) Fracture iv) Clevage
8 M
2 (c) Explain road metals.
4 M

3 (a) What are metamorphism agents of metamorphism? Describe the types of metamorphism with examples.
10 M
3 (b) Write short note on Dyke, Still and fissures.
5 M
3 (c) Explain prophysitic and poikilitic textures.
5 M

4 (a) What are folds? How are they caused? Describe the various types of folds noticed in rocks.
8 M
4 (b) What is a normal fault? Add a note on Horst and Graben.
4 M
4 (c) Explain the types of unconformities.
8 M

5 (a) What is an epicentre? Describe the methods of locating the intensity and add a note on seismic resistant structures.
8 M
5 (b) Define weathering. Explain types of weathering and add a note on its importance.
8 M
5 (c) Explain DIP and strike.
4 M

6 (a) What is river capture? Explain how it occurs.
6 M
6 (b) Discuss briefly the geological consideration in selecting site for Dam construction.
8 M
6 (c) Explain silting of reservoir and its control.
6 M

7 (a) Explain the electrical resistivity method for exploration of ground water.
8 M
7 (b) Write a note on spacing of wells.
4 M
7 (c) Write a note on methods of artificial recharge of ground water.
8 M

Explain the following:
8 (a) Landsat imageries.
5 M
8 (b) Impact of quarrying.
5 M
8 (c) Application of GPS and GIS in civil engineering.
5 M
8 (d) Tunnelling in folded rocks.
5 M

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