1 (a)
Write abstract algorithm for greedy design method.
5 M
1 (b)
Which are different factors considered for sorting elements.
5 M
1 (c)
Explain flow shop scheduling technique.
5 M
1 (d)
Explain three cases of master theorem.
5 M
2 (a)
Write and explain sum of subset algorithm for n=5, W={2,7,8,9,15} M=17.
10 M
2 (b)
Explain randomized version of Quick sort and derive its complexity.
10 M
3 (a)
Implement the bubble sort Algorithm and derive its best case and worst case complexity.
10 M
3 (b)
Find the Huffman code for the following message.
10 M
4 (a)
What is Hamiltonian cycle? Write an algorithm to find all Hamiltonian cycles.
10 M
4 (b)
Suppose your are given n number of coins, in that one coin is faulty. Its weight is less than standard coin weight. To find the faulty coin in a list using proper searching method. What will be the complexity of searching method.
10 M
5 (a)
Explain Job sequencing with deadliner for the given instance.
n=5, {P1, P2, P3, P4, P 5} = {20, 15, 10, 5, 3} & {d1, d2, d3, d4, d5} = {2, 2, 1, 3, 3}
n=5, {P1, P2, P3, P4, P 5} = {20, 15, 10, 5, 3} & {d1, d2, d3, d4, d5} = {2, 2, 1, 3, 3}
10 M
5 (b)
Explain naive string matching algorithm with example.
10 M
Write note on any two:
6 (a)
Rabin karp algorithm
10 M
6 (b)
15-puzzle problem
10 M
6 (c)
Travelling sales person problem.
10 M
6 (d)
Strassen's matrix multiplication.
10 M
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