Answer any one question from Q.1 and Q.2
What is EJB? How it is different from RMI. What are the major categories of EJB?
5 M
What is concurrency? What are the basic approaches to achieve concurrency?
5 M
What is the difference between SOAP web service and Restful Web service? What is the significance of SOAP, WSDL and UDDI in SOAP web service.
5 M
What is string Tokenizer and Observable in java? Explain any two methods of these utilities?
5 M
Answer any one question from Q.3 and Q.4
Explain use of simple lock in a producer consumer problem.
5 M
Explain following java collection framework?
i) Hashmap ii) Treemap iii) Itrators
i) Hashmap ii) Treemap iii) Itrators
5 M
Write a simple program using locks and condition variables.
5 M
How to use timestamp in the distributed request scheduling problem?
5 M
Answer any one question from Q.5 and Q.6
What are the advantages of JSP over servlets? Explain life cycle of a JSP.
8 M
Explain how Ajax is used for development of Rich Internet Applications (RIA). Give the examples of Ajax effects which improve the web page interactivity.
9 M
Explain HTML Document Object Model (DOM) with suitable example.
8 M
Explain the following JDBC API components:
Drive Manager, SQL Exception, Connection, Statement, Result Set.
Drive Manager, SQL Exception, Connection, Statement, Result Set.
9 M
Answer any one question from Q.7 and Q.8
What are column oriented database? Compare column oriented database with relational database.
8 M
What is HDFS? How it is different from traditional file systems?
8 M
What are document oriented database? Give MongoDB databse example for shopping application.
8 M
What is the difference between traditional RDBMS and Hadoop?
8 M
Answer any one question from Q.9 and Q.10
Draw a diagram for MapReduce system showing different stages/phases like input-split, shuffle, sort, combine etc.
8 M
Explain the following execution modes of Pig:
i) Local mode ii) Map Reduce mode
i) Local mode ii) Map Reduce mode
9 M
Which interfaces need to be implemented to create Mapper and Reducer for the Hadoop?
8 M
Explain the functionalities of:
i) Mapper
ii) Combiner
iii) Reducer
iv) Paritioner
i) Mapper
ii) Combiner
iii) Reducer
iv) Paritioner
9 M
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