Heat & Mass Transfer
Heat & Mass Transfer by Prof.Tirumaleshwar is suggested as textbook for studying the following subjects:
Heat & Mass Transfer in Mechanical Engineering Semester 6 (Visveswaraya Technological University)
This book is written as a Text Book for senior undergraduates in Engineering Colleges of Indian Universities, in the departments of Mechanical, Automobile, Production, Chemical, Nuclear and Aerospace Engineering. The book should also be useful as a Reference book for practising engineers for whom thermal calculations and understanding of heat transfer are necessary; e.g. in the areas of Thermal Engineering, Metallurgy, Refrigeration and Airconditioning, Insulation etc.
Salient Features
It is a product of experience gained over many years in teaching the subject, refined with feed back from the students.
The material is class tested, as stated above
It explains the Theory in simple, lucid language with clear diagrams
Theory studied is immediately reinforced by working out large number of problems
At the end of each chapter, several theory questions and numerical problems from University examinations are provided for exercise
Problems are solved using popular engineering software ‘Mathcad’. Its use in quick and accurate calculations, graphing and analysis, solving simultaneous equations, trial and error solutions, ‘what if’ type of analysis etc. are demonstrated. Appropriate comments are provided in the course of Mathcad solutions to provide clarity and also to ensure that those who do not use this software do not suffer any disadvantage while using this book.
