OS-William Stallins by Prof.R P Jain is suggested as textbook for studying the following subjects:
Industrial Electronics in Mechanical Engineering Semester 4 (Mumbai University)
Modern Digital Electronics, published by Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 1987, is a book on design and analysis of complex digital circuits and systems.
Sequential Logic Design, PLDs, Memories and VHDL implementation codes etc have been discussed here in as simple language as could be possible to help readers get a clear grasp of designing and analysing complex digital circuits and systems. The books covers a wide array of topics like digital design using VHDL and supports theoretical explanations with ample suitable examples, to help understanding of the topics in a better manner.
Combinational Login Design, Sequential Login Design, AD and DA Converters, Semi Conductor Memories, Digital Logic Families, Number Systems and Codes etc are some of the topics that have been thoroughly discussed on in this book with suitable examples and also exercises to help the students in all possible manners. This book will help students to grasp the subject matter that revolves around digital electronics in a confident way and the fundamental concepts have been tried to explain in a lucid manner for better understanding.