Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
by Prof.Proakis, Manolakis
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Digital Signal Processing (DSP) by Prof.Proakis, Manolakis is suggested as textbook for studying the following subjects:
Digital Signal Processing in Electronics and Telecom Engineering Semester 5 (Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Digital Signal Processing is a comprehensive book that explains the concepts and terms related to digital signal processing. Written by John G. Proakis and Dimitris Manolakis, this is a book in great demand.
This book explains the Concepts of Systems, Discrete Time Signals and Modern Digital Signal processing in a very simple language and is a very useful one. Special topics covered in the book include Frequency Analysis of Signals and Systems, Frequency Domain Analysis of Lti Systems, Multirate Digital Signal Processing, The Z-Transform, The Discrete Fourier Transform, Design of Digital Filers, Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals, and Adaptive Filters. There are also numerous solved problems based on each of the topics for the students as well. This is the fourth edition of the book and it also includes the chapter on Adaptive Filters. Chapters on Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals and Multi-rate Digital Signal Processing have been substantially revised. Nearly 500 homework problems are provided for students to practice with. This book is extremely useful for both graduate and under graduate students of Electronics, Computer Science and Electrical.