Internal Combustion Engines
by Prof.Mathur & Sharma
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Internal Combustion Engines by Prof.Mathur & Sharma is suggested as reference book for studying the following subjects:
Internal Combustion Engine in Mechanical Engineering Semester 6 (Mumbai University)
Mathur and Sharma’s Internal Combustion Engines is a comprehensive book on Internal Combustion Engines for mechanical and automobile engineering undergraduates. It comprises of a breakdown explanation of all the parts that make up an Internal Combustion Engine and details the theory behind their working. The book factors in the various parameters that go into selection and design of a four-stroke and two-stroke engine, putting the reader eye-to-eye with automobile enthusiasts to understand the working of engines. In addition to the specifics, the book brings the reader up to speed with the latest developments that have taken place in the last few decades in relation with the automobile industry. The final sections of the book deal with gas turbines and non-conventional engines before moving on to the various government regulations that have to be adhered to prior to designing an engine.