Image Processing (IP)
by Prof.Dhananjay Theckedath
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Image Processing (IP) by Prof.Dhananjay Theckedath is suggested as reference book for studying the following subjects:
Image Processing in Instrumentation Engineering Semester 7 (Mumbai University)
Crisp, clear, and accompanied by a lot of illustrations, this text is a guide to the fundamental concepts of digital image processing.
Summary Of The Book
Digital Image Processing involves the use of digital algorithms to process images. This allows for enhancements, modifications, and other manipulations of images using a computer. This is a sub-domain of digital signal processing, but it is a field of study in itself. This textbook has been one of the most popular study materials in this field for over thirty years.
The book begins with an introduction to the field of digital image processing and an overview of imaging methods like gamma-ray imaging, x-ray imaging, imaging in the radio band etc. It then covers the fundamentals of digital images. This section starts with a study of visual perception, which is the image formation in the eye. It then studies light and the electromagnetic spectrum, image sensing and acquisition, and sampling and quantization. This section also looks at the relationships between pixels and provides an introduction to the mathematical tools used in digital image processing.
The next section focuses on intensity transformation and spatial filtering. After this, filtering in the frequency domain is covered, followed by image restoration and reconstruction, and color image processing.
Wavelets and multi-resolution processing, image compression, and morphological image processing are the next three topics covered in detail. This is followed by image segmentation, representation and description, and object recognition.
Each chapter ends with a concise summary of the concepts, followed by list of references and further reading, and a set of problems to review the concepts explained in the chapter. The appendix contains code tables used in image compression methods like JPEG and CCITT.
Salient Features
Accessible mathematical complexity
Ensures understanding by students who have introductory preparation in mathematical analysis, vectors, matrices, probability, statistics, and rudimentary computer programming.
Heavily illustrated.
Ensures easy comprehension of material, especially for today's visual learners.
Chapter-end Problem sets.
Provides students with more opportunities for hands-on practice.