RGPV Civil Engineering (Semester 7)
Advanced Structural Design 2 (RCC)
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) Define substitute frame.
2 M
1(b) Discuss classification of shear walls
2 M
1(c) Explain the difference between a braced and an unbraced building. What condition should be satisfied by a braced building?
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.1(d) & Q.1(e)
1(d) Derive the expression for moment of resistance of a rectangular shear wall.
7 M
1(e) Figure-1 shows an industrial portal frame, which supports 120mm thick roof slab. After the analysis, the following values are fund at working loads.







C -205 kN-m 125 kN 108 kN
D +124 kN-m 65 kN 65 kN

Design the principal rafter CD. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.

7 M

2(a) Define retaining wall.
2 M
2(b) Discuss the functions of shear key.
2 M
2(c) Explain the design of counter fort.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.2(d) & Q.2(e)
2(d) Design the stem of T-shaped cantilever type retaining wall to retain earth embankment 4.8m high above ground level. Take base width =4.0m, ToeProjection =1.2m, Thickness of base slab=540 mm. Unit weight of earth retain=18kN/m3and φ=30°, SBC=180kN/N/m2 and μ=0.35, Traffic load=20kN/m2,Height of parapet=1.0m, use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
7 M
2(e) Check the stability of above retaining wall.
7 M

3(a) Name the different components of an intze tank.
2 M
3(b) Name the loads to be considered in designing bottom ring beam of water tank.
2 M
3(c) Discuss the design of underground water tanks.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.3(d) & Q.3(e)
3(d) Design a rectangular tank 6m×4m×3m× size resting on firm ground.
7 M
3(e) Design a circular tank with flexible base for capacity=400kL. The depth of water is to be 4.0 m including a free board of 200mm.
7 M

4(a) Define silos.
2 M
4(b) Give formulae for B.M. for rectangular Bunker.
2 M
4(c) Explain Janssen's theory.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.4(d) & Q.4(e)
4(d) Explain side walls of a rectangular bunker of capacity 300kN to store coal using M20 concrete and Fe415 steel. Take unit weight of coal = 8kN/m3, φ=25°, μ=0.45.
7 M
4(e) Design the hopper bottom of above bunker.
7 M

5(a) Explain pre-tensioned and post tensioned.
2 M
5(b) What are different type of "losses" encountered in prestressing concrete.
2 M
5(c) Discuss advantages of prestressed concrete.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.5(d) & Q.5(e)
5(d) Explain the methods of finding reaction factors for B.M. in longitudinal girders.
7 M
5(e) A RCC single span T beam bridge is to consist of 5 beams 2.0m apart. The span of the bridge is 10m clear with end bearings of 500mm. The L.L. on the bridge is 20kN/m2including impact.The carriage way over the bridge is to be 8.0m wide with a footpath of 1.5m on either side, Design the deck slab.
7 M

More question papers from Advanced Structural Design 2 (RCC)